Map Download Cache
Open the "Unreal Tournament" folder, then "UTGame" and "Config." Then double-click on the "UTEngine.ini" file.
Scroll down to the "[Core.System]" section.
Edit the entry for "StaleCacheDays=X," changing the "X" to the number of days you want unused files to remain on the system before getting deleted automatically.
Edit the entry for "MaxStaleCacheSize=X," changing the "X" to the new total maximum file size for unused files, in megabytes.
Edit the entry for "MaxOverallCacheSize=X," changing the "X" to the new total maximum file size for all downloaded files, in megabytes.
Close the window, and then click "Yes" to save the changes.
Server-Side Cache
Open the "Unreal Tournament" folder, then "UTGame," and "Config." Then double-click the "Unreal.ini" file.
Scroll to the "[Engine.GameEngine]" section.
Edit "CacheSizeMegs=X," changing the "X" to the amount of system memory to dedicate to the game server.
Close the window. Click "Yes" when prompted to save the changes.