"Warhead" Secret Hiding Place
Play the "Warhead" mission as Bravo Team.
Locate the corner of the map that has a pile of broken sticks.
Stand on the sticks while wielding a knife and run into the wall, slightly changing directions and crouching until you clip through the wall.
Move forward into the secret hiding place. Once you clip through the wall, you will be in a glitched hiding spot that will render you invisible and invincible to other players.
Climb the Broken Ladder
Play the "Junk Flea" map as any faction.
Locate the broken ladder propped against the side of a building.
Sprint toward the ladder and jump onto it.
Alternate between jumping and crouching to climb the ladder.
Crouch on top of the roof to make use of a great sniping position.
Water Walking
Play on any map with a body of water.
Sprint toward the map while rapidly pressing the "Print Screen" button on your computer.
Stop pressing the button when you reach the edge of the water, but continue sprinting.
Crouch when you hit the water to walk across its surface.
Stay crouching and moving across the water to maintain the combat advantage. Other players who wish to pursue you must swim, seriously affecting their aim.
Teleporting Head Glitch
Jump on top of an enemy.
Aim down and shoot the enemy to kill him.
Wait until the player respawns. When he does, you will be teleported with the player to his respawn point, and you will still be standing on his head.
Shoot the player again for another easy kill.
Depart the spawn point before another player spawns, causing you to fall.
Truck Hiding Spot Glitch
Play the "Missile" map as any faction.
Jump on top of the truck near the entrance to the missile building.
Stand on the hood and crouch.
Slowly turn left and right until you clip through the hood into the car. While inside, you can see enemies and shoot them, but they cannot shoot back at you.