Things You'll Need
Hold down the "Cast" button after using a fireball spell to control its movement after leaving your hand. Unguided fireballs will simply move forward.
Aim your freeze spell at the ground to create an ice patch that enemies slip on and become vulnerable. A freeze spell cast at an enemy will simply cause it to stay immobilized for several seconds.
Cast your dark vision ability a second time after it is already activated to switch it off at no extra cost to the mana meter. During some dungeons that alternate between dark tunnels and fire-lit rooms often, this trick is essential. Dark vision can also detect invisible traps.
Enter adrenaline mode by killing several enemies in quick succession, then use telekinesis on an opponent to lift him off his feet. Click the "Attack" button on your mouse or keyboard to send them flying into walls, spikes, destructible items, or off of cliffs for easy kills. Telekinesis cast on an enemy without adrenaline mode activated is ineffectual.
Fire the lightning bolt spell off of walls to rebound them around corners or ricochet them in narrow corridors to hit multiple opponents.