Things You'll Need
Click on "Items" in the main menu of the game and select "Crafting."
Click on "Common items." Then select "Fabricate Class Weapons."
Click-and-drag one Sniper Class Token from your inventory into the first slot in the crafting window. If you don't have a Sniper Class Token, you can craft one by using three Sniper weapons.
Click-and-drag one Secondary Slot Token from your inventory to the second crafting slot. If you don't have a Secondary Slot Token, you can make one by using three secondary weapons from any class. Secondary weapons are weapons you can equip in the secondary slot in your characters' loadout screen.
Click-and-drag one piece of Scrap Metal to the crafting screen. If you don't have any Scrap Metal, you can craft two weapons used by the same class to receive it.
Click on the "Craft!" button.