Things You'll Need
Enter the "Borderlands" folder, then the "Content" folder, followed by your screen name folder. Open the folder that reads "545407E7."
Copy a ".sav" save file from this folder. Paste it to your desktop.
Run "Borderlands" Game Save Editor and load the ".sav" file from your desktop.
Modify the ISO files by accessing the specifications of the "Borderlands" save by navigating through the folder drop boxes on the left of the screen. For example, if you want to modify quest objectives, select the "Quest" folder, followed by the name of a quest. Alter the players, locations and items involved in the quest.
Save all modifications as the same name as the ".sav" file on your desktop. Overwrite the ".sav" file.
Return the ".sav" file to the "545407E7" folder. You can now run that save as a modded game.