Select the "First Name" option and type in the name "DeMarcus" on the keyboard that appears. Repeat this process for the "Last Name" option, entering "Cousins" on the keyboard.
Change the college option to "Kentucky."
Change his age from 21 to "20" and his uniform number from 0 to "15."
Alter the position from point guard to "Power Forward" and the playing style from all-round to "Athletic." Change the personality option from unpredictable to "Neutral."
Skip to the next page, which is the Body Type screen. Change the height and weight of the player from 6 foot 3 inches and 150 lbs. to "6 foot 9 inches" and "266 lbs."
Change the skin tone from 5 to "2" and the muscle tone from buff to "Ripped."
Skip to the next page, which is the Hair screen. Change the hairstyle from stubble short to "Natural Part" and also set the beard style from none to "Beard Style 4."
Flip through pages until you come to the "Accessories" screen.
Set the headband option to "Yes" and skip two pages to the Attributes screen.
Change shot inside from 72 to "87" and then scroll down to shot 3pt and change it from 32 to "40." Alter the free throw ability from 67 to "68" and increase the dunking ability from 69 to "83."
Go forward one page to access the Tendencies screen. Change inside shots from 59 to "60." This effects how often the player will attempt inside shots while controlled by the computer.
Assign your created player to the "Sacramento Kings" and DeMarcus Cousins is now an official player in NBA 2K10.