Click on the most impatient personality types first as soon as the contestants enter the queue. Set contestants into the first chair (the make up chair) until all chairs are full.
Click on each contestant to generate the makeup choice ring. Choose the makeup style that triggers the best smile from the contestant. Once the makeup has been done on the contestant, move her to the next section and swiftly move another contestant into the empty makeup chair. Continue with the makeup choices until all available areas within the last section ( the hair section) are full.
Chain the contestants before sending them onto the stage. For example, send interview or evening gown contestants together. The larger the chain, the higher the score. Try to send contestants in groups of at least three in a chain.
Purchase power ups to help you organize your time. Purchase assistants first. They will help you do final touch-ups with makeup and hair. Purchase other items, including water bottles, to boost contestant happiness meters. Give contestants water when hearts get low or right before you send them to the runway.