Load UDK and create a map or load an existing one.
Add map features such as vehicles, terrain and weapons. Right-click on the map, click "Path," select "PathNode" and place it somewhere on the map.
Right-click the PathNode on the map to open UnrealKimest. Right-click on the screen and click "New Action," select "Actor" and choose "Actor Factory." This will give you a box to place down on the screen in UnrealKimest.
Right-click on the screen, click "New Event," select "Level Startup" and place it down on the screen. Right-click the screen again, select "New Object Var Using PathNode" and place it on the screen.
Connect the "Level Startup" figure to the "Actor Factory" box by clicking on it and clicking the "Spawn Actor" notch on the box. Connect the "New Object Var Using PathNode" figure to the "Actor Factory" box at the notch that says "Spawn Point."
Click the "Actor Factory" box and open the options for it. Select "UTActor Factory AI" from the drop-down menu under the option for "Factory."
Scroll down the options, select "UTbot" from the drop-down menu for the option "Controller Class" and check the boxes for "Deathmatch AI" and "Default Inventory".
Scroll down the options list, click the drop-down menu for "Pawn Class," select to use "UT Pawn" and input a name for the enemy in the field "Spawn Name."
Close "Actor Factory" and UnrealKimest. Right-click on your map, select "Play Level" and choose the option "Play From Here." This will load your map to test your enemy bot, which should spawn at the PathNode you place on the map in Step 2.