Watch the introduction and select a character class to play as. If you are struggling with the beginning section, do not select the "Brick" character type.
Hop off the bus following the game's introduction and the "Angel's" speech and listen to the Claptrap Robot.
Walk over to the "New-U Station" and press the action key. Follow the onscreen instructions to customize your character.
Follow the Claptrap robot and follow the onscreen tutorial instructions.
Shoot and defeat the enemies that attack you and the robot.
Follow Claptrap until you reach Doctor Zed's house and press the switch on the garage to open the door.
Talk to Doctor Zed and follow Claptrap to the gate.
Defeat the bandits that injured Claptrap.
Talk to Claptrap and accept the "Rescue Claptrap" mission.
Walk over to the location identified by the green diamond on the HUD compass and locate the Repair Kit.
Return to Claptrap and press the "action" button to use the repair kit on the robot.
Follow Claptrap to the gate -- he will open it, which allows you to walk out of the starting area.