Begin the Stingray 1 mission, which is given to you automatically at the beginning of the game. Head to the Jupiter helipads and look for a sign that warns about mines in the area.
Make your way through the minefield towards the helicopter. Use your throwing bolts to detect mines along the ground. When a bolt lands in the area of a live mine, you'll hear a clicking sound. Previously detonated mines leave behind scorch marks in the earth, so follow a path over these marks to safely reach the aircraft.
Locate the black box inside of the helicopter. You must bring this to Nitro for decoding. Once you receive the update, a large group of enemies will attempt to rush you through the minefield.
Get onto your jeep and shoot down the creatures who managed to make it through the minefield alive.
Bring the black box to Nitro and have him work on retrieving the data stored inside. He will need three hours to complete this task, and you must pay him 1650 RU afterwards. This completes the Stingray 1 mission, and the way to Pripyat will now be open.