Introduce yourself to a one star celebrity. One star celebrities can be found at random locations in town, but are most commonly found in nightclubs or bars.
Select one of the four available options to impress the celebrity. "Brag about skill" and "Discuss career" are good choices if your Sim has a high skill level in any available skill or has advanced in a career track. Depending on the celebrity, you may need to impress them three or four times to fill the celebrity's fame bar, located above his or her head. Once this bar is filled, your Sim becomes a one star celebrity.
Complete celebrity opportunities to raise your fame level higher. These opportunities appear randomly and your Sim is contacted directly via telephone when an opportunity presents itself.
Throw parties to raise your fame level. For each successful party you throw, you can increase the amount of fame you have.
Befriend and impress higher level celebrities. As a one star celebrity, if you can befriend or impress a celebrity who has more stars than you, your Sim rises in fame. For example, marrying a five star Sim instantly makes your Sim have five stars as well.
Join a band or become a mixologist, a Sim who serves drinks. Being successful at either venture gives your Sim more stars as celebrities become impressed with your skills.