The Road Traveled Darkly
Embrace the dark side of the Force. You gain dark side points by stealing, killing needlessly, intimidating and conning the innocent. Following the dark side reduces the number of side quests you can undertake, but your character gains more money and prestige.
Talk to your party members. Each character has a side quest that not only teaches you something about the character but causes the character to trust you more.
Train every member of your team until level 19. After you, Bastila and Canderous should receive the best weapons and armor choices.
Confess your identity as the dark lord to Bastila when you face her on the Temple Summit. Ask her to join you so that you'll be able to rule the galaxy together. Jolee and Juhani will oppose you. Slay them and Bastila becomes your dark apprentice.
Return to the Ebon Hawk on Central Beach. Canderous and the droids will immediately follow you. Carth and Mission are shocked and prepare to do battle. Zaalbar owes a life debt to both you and Mission. Let the weak ones go. Take your new team and deal with Darth Malak.