Travel to Grizzleheim and locate Nidavellir. Enter the Hall of Valor.
Collide with Rubble Reaver to enter a duel with him. Pick a spell from your seven available cards - if you have a power pip card spell, play that first. Click on the selected spell, then click on Rubble Reaver. Continue casting spells on Rubble Reaver until his health drops to zero. As a Life School creature, he is most susceptible to life and death spells. Monitor your own health meter and cast a health spell if it drops below 50 percent.
Run into the Runed Devastator, who appears immediately after you defeat Rubble Reaver. Cast a health spell to get your health back up to as close to 100 percent as possible. Choosing from your randomly selected spells, cast spells on the Runed Devastator using power pip cards first to do the most damage. He is a Balance School wizard, so life, death and myth spells will have the most effect on him.
Defeat the Runed Devastator, and the Silver Colossus pet will appear. Collide into him and he will be added to your arsenal.