Hobbies And Interests

How to Get to Uldum From Orgrimmar in World of Warcraft

Introduced in the "World of Warcraft: Cataclysm" expansion, Uldum serves as Kalimdor's most southern land. Filled with enemies mostly in the mid-80 level range, Uldum is no place for low-leveled characters. There's no level requirement to enter Uldum, but you will likely die if you are below Level 80. Uldum sits to the west of Tanaris, south of Un'goro Crater and to the east of Silithus. To get to Uldum from Orgrimmar, you will have to make use of a flight path or your running legs.


    • 1

      Take the flight path from Orgrimmar to Tanaris. If you're at a level high enough to enter Uldum safely, you likely have the Tanaris flight path. If you do not, exit Orgrimmar to the south and fly or run south into Tanaris. Cross through Durotar, Northern Barrens, Southern Barrens, Dustwallow Marsh and Thousand Needles before entering Tanaris.

    • 2

      Run directly southwest once you reach Tanaris. There is no path to follow; just watch your direction via the mini map.

    • 3

      Pass through the Dunemaul Compound and continue southwest. Look for a large stone wall and ramp once you enter Thistleshrub Valley. Make your way toward and up the ramp to enter Uldum.

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