Battle computer-generated ninjas instead of other players. They are much easier to defeat, but they provide the same amount of experience and gold. They also inflict less damage, which means you will not have to spend as much money on healing your clan members.
Save money and use it to purchase more clan members. The first extra clan member will cost 1,000 gold, while the next ones will cost 4,000, 9,000 and 16,000 gold, respectively. Use the Dojo to dedicate karma to each clan member, because otherwise you will have an uneven clan.
Refrain from purchasing weapons. The best weapons are acquired from winning battles. If you purchase a new clan member and discover that you do not have an extra weapon handy for him or her, just wait until you win another one.
Acquire relics early in the game. The Blowing Leaf, Orchid Blossom, Polished Bubble-Agate, Solar Charm and Phoenix Tear relics cost under 1,500 gold, but they provide a plethora of benefits, including higher attack speeds, more health and greater power. These will give you a great advantage in battles.
Set aside 5 karma points and when you hit level 6, use it to purchase the Heavy Rain spell. Every time you enter a battle, the spell will automatically inflict 40 points of damage on the enemy ninja clan. This may seem like a small amount, especially since class health points can get as high as 1,000 by the time you reach level 10, but it will help.
Reach level 18. Once you are powerful enough, the game will display a zeppelin on the left side of your screen. If you click it, your clan will enter the "Zombie Kill Challenge." If you can kill 10 zombies, you will earn 1 karma point. If you kill 25, you will earn 2 points. If you kill 50, you will earn 5 points. If you kill 100, you will earn 10 points. If you kill 250, you will earn 15 points. If you kill 506, you will earn 20 points.