Right-click to open your inventory. Double-click on the package that was left for the Hardy Boys and you will open it and find a DVD. Go to the television, open the inventory and select the DVD. The boys will put it on and you will see the information regarding the case.
Click on the door to your room to walk into the hallway. If you go down the hallway and down the stairs, mother Hardy will stop the boys and send them back upstairs. Instead of going down the stairs, stop at the window at the end of the hall and click it to look out.
Move the mouse to the upper-right corner of the screen and click on the picture of the two boys to choose Joe, the blonde brother. Once you have selected him, click on the open window and he will climb down the tree to the ground outside. Switch back to Frank and move him inside of the bedroom, then switch back to Joe.
Move to the front of the house with Joe and click on the doorbell to ring it and get the mother's attention. Run around to the side of the house so she can't see you, then switch to Frank and quickly run downstairs while she is answering the door. Cllick on the keys on the kitchen counter to grab them, and then run back upstairs.
Click on the keys in your inventory to drop them out the window to Joe. Switch back to him and go to the bikes in the garage. Use the keys to open the compartment for the bikes and get the cell phone. Switch to Frank, go to the parrot in the room and click him. Go back to the window and click the bird again and he will fly down and get the phone from Joe.
Go back to the room and click the outlet near the TV to charge the phone. When it is charged, click on it in your inventory to call Dad. Your Dad will call your Mom and tell her to allow you to leave the house.