Hobbies And Interests

How to Do the Second-to-Last Level in Big Bang

"Big Bang Age" is a strategic game made by Alice Soft. Players play in a different world where the landscape has been completely reshaped after an evil giant hole opened up and swallowed the previous lands. Since the land has been divided into two warring sides, players must work to bring peace to this twisted new world and save all of the people that live there by completing all of the levels. The second-to-last level is level 7.19 and is called "Haniwa Soldier."


    • 1

      Travel through Dream Island and convert the Haniwa cult to get them to work with you. Work with Hanny Zippo to get the Haniwa cult to become loyal to you.

    • 2

      Speak to the Haniwa Priestess Maeda Tenko and she will ask you to visit the Haniwa banquet.

    • 3

      Visit the Haniwa banquet and ask the Haniwa soldier to come work with you. Keep going back and asking the Haniwa soldier in the Haniwa banquet to come work with you.

    • 4

      Keep going back to the Haniwa banquet to recruit as many Haniwa soldiers as possible. The more soldiers you get on your side, the more successful you will be.

    • 5

      Complete the request that the Priestess Maeda Tenko gives and get the cult to convert or your game will be over.

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