Replay each of the storyline mini-games until you achieve a perfect score in each game. Dance with Sally Mae and trampoline with Luba to get additional secret tokens. Five secret tokens are awarded for a perfect score.
Select all the green face icons and finish with a full green heart. Select Dancing games and play until you have a perfect score.
Streak in front of as many ladies as you can, on campus, to accumulate more tokens. Access the peephole in Sorority to view the nude girl to the right. She is slightly out of the picture. Use the right arrow key on your computer or the right joystick on your game controller to change the "X" and "Y" axes. This allows you to see more of the screen. Look far enough to notice the nude lady and you will pick up more tokens.
Press "Action" on an object that displays the eyeball icon and a token will appear. Press "Action" repeatedly and you will acquire two or three additional tokens.