Click on "Start" and then "Run" from your Windows XP desktop view.
Type "regedit" into the search bar and click "OK." The registry editor will open.
Double-click on the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" folder followed by "SYSTEM" followed by "CurrentControlSet" followed by "Services" followed by "Tcpip" followed by "Parameters" followed by "Interfaces." There will be a number of different folders under "Interfaces."
Click on each folder until you locate the one with "IP address" listed in the right-hand pane. This is the folder you use to connect to the Internet.
Right-click anywhere in the blank space of the folder containing your IP address and click on "New" followed by "DWORD value." Click on the new entry and rename it "TcpAckFrequency." Double-click on the entry and change the "Value data" number to "1."
Click on "Start" and then "Run" from your desktop view. Type "regedit" and click "OK." The registry editor will open.
Double-click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" followed by "SOFTWARE" followed by "Microsoft" followed by "MSMQ" followed by "Parameters."
Right-click in the right hand pane and click on "New," then "Key" then "DWORD value"
Click on the new entry and rename it "TCPNoDelay." Double-click on the entry and change the "Value data" number to "1."
Re-start your computer.