Things You'll Need
Close drapes or blinds and turn off lights to improve image quality. A darkened room will provide best results. Set the projector up on a table exactly 8 feet from the wall, ceiling or other surface that you will be using to project the image. Ensure that the projected image is being displayed on a light-colored wall. White will produce the best results, but you can use other light-colored walls. Dark colors, like brown, will not produce acceptable results.
Hook up any external sources using red, white and yellow AV cables. Make sure all three are plugged in if sound is thin. The red and white cables carry stereo sound. The red carries the right channel and the white the left channel. If only one cable is plugged in, the sound will not be in stereo. The yellow cable carries the video signal.
Replace the bulb if you've been using the projector for 1,000 hours and image quality has become poor. The bulb has a finite life. If you've used the projector daily for movies and you've had it a year, you should consider changing the bulb.