Creating a Shaker
Collect a piece of driftwood. Locate two rocks close to one another. Use the piece of driftwood on the two rocks to create a crafting bench.
Collect a piece of bamboo and a coconut. Continue on to the jungle and then to Pier Beach.
Collect five cherries on Pier Beach.
Return to the first beach and use the bamboo, coconut and cherries at the crafting bench to create a shaker. A shaker is a musical instrument. If you do not want to return to the first beach, follow the directions below to create a bamboo crafting bench.
Play the shaker to raise your Sim's creativity.
Creating a Bamboo Crafting Bench
Create a simple shelter on the first beach to unlock the ability to create a bamboo crafting bench.
Collect 16 pieces of bamboo.
Enter the jungle and collect 14 vines.
Combine the bamboo and the vines to create a bamboo crafting bench.