Tile Puzzle
Head into the northwest section and turn the handle on the floor to lower the drawbridge.
Go into the room that was previously hidden by the drawbridge.
Look at the candles at the end of each row of tiles on the floor, start at whatever side the candles are on and count as many tiles as there are candles. So, if there are two candles on the right wall, you will count two tiles from the right side.
Walk on one tile before you carry on to the next row. The order is left, center, right, then left.
Statue Puzzle
Enter the large room after surviving the dart traps in the second zone of Fort Bulwark.
Keep using the handle next to the statue until it turns enough to face the center.
Repeat this step with every statue and a secret passage will open in the room.
Chest Puzzle
Walk through the passageway to enter a room with eight statues, eight corresponding empty chests and one extra chest next to a pressure plate.
Stand on the pressure plate. A statue will light up and an item will appear in from nowhere, but vanish if you leave the pressure plate. Keep doing this and remember which item goes with which statue.
Collect the item from the center chest and place it in the statue that lit up as this object appeared in the air. The book goes in the chest to the right of the entrance and then the hammer, skull, gem, stone, helm, goblet and sword follow in a clockwise direction. Each statue will face the center of the room, the flames will extinguish and door will open, leading the way to the Shield of the Crusader