Launch "Runescape" from the Runescape website and select your character.
Left-click the backpack icon at the bottom of the screen to open your inventory.
Right-click on the Ring of Kinship and select "Customize."
Select the class you wish to customize. Available choices are Melee, Ranged, Magic and Skiller. Any class can customize any aspect of the ring. However, for best results, select a class on the ring that corresponds to your character's class. For example, if you are a mage, select the magic category.
Select the role you want to upgrade. There are three roles per class, with a description under each role of what bonuses the role gives. The bonuses are automatically applied when the ring is worn inside Daemonheim.
Click the "+" next to the role to upgrade it to the next level out of 10 available levels. The number of tokens required varies, and can range anywhere from 135 tokens for Level 1 to 233,000 tokens for Level 10.