Speak to Cor Kalom at the beginning of the second chapter. He will inform you of the hostile Mine Crawlers and ask that you eliminate their nest. Locate Cor in a variety of place. Depending on the location, you will have many interactions with him, largely because he is the game's primary quest giver.
Speak to Graham. Like Cor Kalom, you can find Graham in a variety of locations of your town, depending on which location you choose. Graham is a small human who you will frequently have to talk to to gain additional information about your quests. Once you have the Mine Crawlers Nest quest, he presents you with a map that showcases the location of the mine.
Travel to the mine entrance by exiting town and selecting the mine as your destination. The mine is located east of the swamp.
Enter the mine. As long as you have accepted the quest from Cor Kalom, the mine's entrance will be open, and you will be able enter.