Resource Cheats
A player can add to their resource pile by entering any of these three cheats. Typing 'JUNK FOOD NIGHT' rewards the player with 1,000 additional food resources. Typing in 'ATM OF EREBUS' and 'TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE' results in 1,000 gold and 1,000 wood, respectively. These cheats may be entered multiple times for stackable rewards.
Aesthetic Cheats
Some cheats only affect the look of the map or game, rather than imparting any tactical advantage to the player. Typing in 'IN DARKEST NIGHT' will switch all game play to a nighttime setting. Typing 'RED TIDE' will make all the water appear red.
God Power Cheats
Many of the cheats available for Age of Mythology: The Titans give the player additional god powers. Typing 'WRATH OF THE GODS' will reward players with the power to wield earthquakes, lightning storms, meteors and tornadoes. Typing 'PANDORAS BOX' will give players four randomly selected god powers. Typing 'GOATUNHEIM' gives players a power which turns every unit on the map to goats.
Creating Units
Many cheats simply provide additional units to players. Typing 'TITANOMACHY', for example, provides a titan, while typing 'O CANADA' gives players a bear. Typing 'WUV WOO' introduces a flying purple hippo unit to the game. These codes are all stackable; using them multiple times can provide ready-made armies.