Talk to Highlord Darion Morgraine. Click "I am ready." Highlord Darion Mograine sits mounted on his steed nearby Scourge Commander Thalanor, who gave you the Light of Dawn quest.
Highlord Darion Morgraine will begin talking. Once the scourge rise from the earth, the battle will commence. Ride with Morgraine and the scourge to Light's Hope Chapel. Upon reaching the chapel, the Argent Dawn will meet you in battle.
Target the Argent Dawn enemies and attack them. Because of the powerful protections you received when the battle began, you will not die. The battle goes on for several minutes, until Highlord Tirion Fordring appears. After a long cut-scene featuring Tirion and the Lich King, you will have the opportunity to turn in the quest to Highlord Darion Morgraine.