Download and install "Auto Hotkey" (see Resources). The program is available for free from RuneScape 101 and includes several programs that are crucial to building an efficient macro.
Open "RuneScape" and approach the area at which you want the macro to be performed. For instance, if you want to create a macro that continually fishes for you, get near the ocean or a pond.
Run "AutoScriptWriter." The program can be found in the directory where you installed "Auto Hotkey" or from the folder's directory in the Start menu.
Click the "Record Mouse" and "Record &Shrink" buttons on the left side of the screen located underneath the "Record" button.
Click the "Record" button at the top-left of the program. It will then begin recording all your movements and key presses.
Open "RuneScape" and perform the action you want to be repeated.
Press the "Alt" key and the "Tab" key to bring "AutoScriptWriter" back onscreen.
Press the "Record" button again to stop recording. A file will then be created and placed in the window's large panel on the right side of the screen.
Double-click the created file. A small window will appear with a few fields for you to fill out.
Enter the number of times you would like the action to be repeated and at what interval. The interval is how many seconds you would like the program to wait between performing each set of actions.
Press "OK." The macro will begin and will continue for the amount of time you instructed.