Play through the game until you get to "Chapter IV: Breaking Camp." Watch the cut scene, then get into one of the anti-aircraft guns and shoot down the enemy planes. Alternatively, fly around with your rocket pack and engage the enemy fighters in a dogfight.
Defend the fuel tanks. Once you have helped get rid of the enemy fighters, you will get a message about enemy troops coming to attack the fuel tanks. Three waves will appear: one to attack the western tank, another for the eastern tank and the last one attacking the northern tank.
Keep fighting the enemy troops until Atem and Tesla contact you over your comm. Tesla will tell you that the Hypercoil is in his workshop above the barracks. A marker will appear on your screen to give the Hypercoil's location and your exact distance from it.
Fly up to Tesla's workshop with your rocket pack. Walk to the back of the workshop and the Hypercoil will be on the floor. Pick it up to get further instructions for your mission.