Creating the Spray
Launch Paint. To do so, click on your Windows Start button and select "All Programs." Then select "Accessories" and click on the "Paint" shortcut. Paint will now open and automatically create a new picture.
Resize the blank picture by clicking on the "Resize" button in the "Home" tab. Click on "pixels" and deselect "Maintain aspect ratio" and type "64" in both the "Height" and "Width" fields. This will create a blank square 64-by-64 picture.
Edit your picture by using Paint's editing tools. You can, for example, use the "Text" tool to insert text into the picture or use the paint bucket to color parts of the spray.
Save your spray when you have finished editing it. To do so, press the CTRL and S keys at the same time on your keyboard. From the "File format" drop-down menu, select ".bmp" to save your spray as a bitmap file.
Importing Your Spray Into a Valve Game
Launch Steam and log in, if necessary. Then click on "Library" and double-click on a Valve game to launch it. All games created by Valve, such as Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2 or Counter-Strike, allow you to import and use sprays.
Click on "Options" and select the "Multiplayer" tab.
Click on the "Import Spray" button and locate the spray file on your hard drive by using the file browser dialog box. Click on "Open" to finish importing the spray into your game. You can now use it while playing by pressing the "T" key on your keyboard.