Press the "P" or the "O" button on your keyboard to begin. When the volt meter on the screen reaches around three, press the "M" button to engage power to the train. Press "X" to turn on the train's transformer to charge the onboard battery, and press the "C" button to engage the brake compressor.
Press "U," "Y" and "I" to turn on the three headlights in the front of the locomotive. Wait for the air pressure gauge on the screen to reach the green area and then press the "." button on the number pad to release the brakes. Press "4" to set the brakes in the running position.
Press "D" or "R" to set the train in drive or reverse respectively. When this is set, press the "6" button to release the final locomotive brake. Press the "+" button on the number pad to begin rolling down the tracks. Pressing the "+" button will increase speed while the "-" button will decrease it if necessary.
Press the "-" button until it is in the lowest position to begin the stopping process. Press the "3" button on the number pad to apply the brakes and continue to slow down. Press the "6" button on the number pad to release the brake and "3" to reapply it in bursts to slow down and eventually stop.
When stopped, press the "5" button on the number pad to apply final brakes. Press the "U" button to turn off the headlights, followed by the "P" or the "O" button. Press "C" to release the brake compressor. Finally, press "X" then "M" to power down the train.