Fly the Airbus Fleet
"Fly the Airbus Fleet" is a full-range 3D game that features many of the popular models of the Airbus fleet. "Fly the Airbus Fleet" includes six versions of Airbus airliners, among them the A-310, which is a medium- to long-range wide body aircraft that was launched in 1978; the A-320, which is a medium-range airliner designed in 1988; and the A-319, which is a shorter version of the A-320. The game also includes many famous airline insignias such as Lufthansa, Air Canada, Virgin Atlantic and British Airways. The game can be downloaded from the original developer website.
Fly the Airbus A380
"Fly the Airbus A380" has been an international best-seller, with the focus of the game strictly on the jumbo jet Airbus A-380. This humongous airliner is famous worldwide for its large size and outstanding flight record. The game designers focused on providing users with a realistic portrayal of what it would be like to personally fly this aircraft. The cockpit is accurately depicted down to the flying instruments, and the game difficulty can be adjusted based on your experience and preferences.
Fly the Airbus A380 V2
The second version of this popular Airbus game includes four additional models of the A-380 super jumbo airliner. From its creation, the Airbus A-380 was designed to be the largest passenger airplane, with a unique two-story compartment and newly designed engines that are capable of carrying up to 650 passengers over 7800 miles. The graphic artists carefully reproduced every aspect of the aircraft and have even introduced many of the famous insignias and logos from worldwide airline companies. The game is available in two forms, as a digital download or on CD-ROM.
Airbus Collectors Edition
The "Airbus Collectors Edition" allows users the ability to pilot all of the aircraft models in the Airbus line. Every aircraft is customizable with famous airline insignias and instrument panels. This edition also allows for a fully customizable Flight Management Computer and features over 10 models of the Airbus aircraft ranging from the A310-300 to the A380-900.