Compare the hardware on your machine with the game's system requirements. If you do not meet the game's minimum system requirements, then you will not be able to play or display many aspects of the game.
Lower the game's graphical settings. Click the "Graphics" tab from the "Options" menu on the main menu to view your graphical settings. Turning down the quality of the character models or turning off unnecessary visual effects, such as water reflections, can increase your computer's performance while running the game, which is particularly useful for avoiding problems like the floating grass glitch.
Patch the game. "Gothic 4" has had several patches released for it that update the game's content and increase its stability. Keeping the game up-to-date is a great way to keep the floating grass glitch from occurring.
Update the drivers for your graphics card. Manufacturers of video cards will often release updates for their products in the form of drivers. These drivers increases the device's performance and stability with other products in an attempt to avoid unintentional glitches and software failures.