Right-click the spell icon, located in the top right corner of the screen next to the mini-map, to remove any beneficial spell on your character, regardless of the time limit.
Cast the Druid spell, Remove Corruption, to remove one curse and one poison effect from your character. A Druid can cast this spell multiple times if you must remove more than one curse or poison effect.
Cast the Paladin spell, Cleanse, to remove one poison and one disease effect from your character. A Paladin can cast Cleanse multiple times to remove multiple poison or disease spells from your character.
Cast the Shaman spell, Cleanse Spirit, to remove one curse spell from your character. A Shaman can cast this spell multiple times to remove multiple curses.
Cast the Priest spell, Dispel Magic, to remove two harmful magic spells from your character or one beneficial magic spell from an enemy. The priest can cast this spell multiple times to remove multiple spells from either your character or an enemy.
Cast the Priest spell, Mass Dispel, to remove one harmful magic spell from all characters and one beneficial spell from all enemies in a 15 yard radius of the Priest. The Priest can cast this spell multiple times to remove multiple spells from your character or an enemy.