Hobbies And Interests

Oblivion & Vampire Cheats

"Oblivion" is the fourth game in the "Elder Scrolls" series of computer games released by Bethesda Game Studios. One of the many unique features of "Oblivion" is the chance for your character to contract "Porphyric Hemophilia" and become a vampire, which occurs through quests, by being attacked and wounded by a vampire or using a cheat code. Playing a vampire character allows players to experience a new aspect of the game and the many challenges associated with it.
  1. Vampirism 101

    • Vampirism has four levels. Each level grants bonuses as well as drawbacks. The first level of vampirism grants five bonus points to speed, strength, willpower, acrobatics, sneak, illusion, athletics, destruction, hand to hand and mysticism, as well as resistence to disease, paralysis and a slight resistence to normal weapons. It also gives you a 20 point weakness to fire. Each additional level grants five more points to your abilities and an additional 10 points to your weakness to fire. At level two, you begin to take sun damage: one damage per second at level two, four damage per second at level three and eight damage per second at level 4. Each level grants special vampiric spells. Every 24 hours without feeding results in an additional vampirism level. Feeding will return you to level one.

    Becoming a Vampire

    • Press the "~" while you are playing "Oblivion" to show the cheat console. The cheat console is a text window that allows you to enter a cheat code. Type "Set PCVampire to 1" into the cheat console and press enter. Type "Player.SetAV Vampirism 25" into the cheat console and press enter. These are two separate commands and need to be entered separately. Your character will become a level two vampire. Level two vampires are damaged by the sun, so use this cheat code at night or while you are indoors to avoid damage.

    Feeding Tricks

    • Learn "Chameleon" and "Charm" spells. If you are not a magic user, visit an enchanter and create an item for each of the spells. The items should have a high spell percentage but the duration can be brief. "Chameleon" spells will allow you to sneak up on victim more easily. "Charm" spells will allow you to interact with sellers, buyers and quest givers no matter how long it has been since you have fed. Alternatively, you can open the cheat console and type "player.setAV Sneak 100" to give yourself a 100 points in "Sneak" for a stealthy feeding, "player.AddSpell 0005DCC0" to learn a "Chameleon" spell and "player.AddSpell 000A97AD" to learn a "Charm" spell.

    Curing Vampirism

    • Open the cheat console. To completely cure vampirism, you will need to type in a series of commands. Each command should be typed in individually and followed by pressing the "Enter" key. The commands are as follows:

      Set PCVampire to -1

      player.setfactionrank A319 -1

      player.removespell 2C2A5

      player.removespell 2C2A4

      player.removespell 2C2A2

      player.removespell 3DB3A

      player.removespell 2C2B0

      player.removespell 2C2AD

      player.removespell 2C2AA

      player.removespell 2C2A8

      player.removespell 2C2B1

      player.removespell 2C2AE

      player.removespell 2C2AB

      player.removespell 2C2A7

      player.removespell 3BEDA

      player.removespell 3BEDB

      player.removespell 3BEDC

      player.removespell 3BED9

      Your character will no longer be a vampire. He will not possess any of the bonuses or drawbacks of being a vampire.

    Bonus Money For Being a Vampire

    • Earn infinite money by curing your vampirism through the quest chain rather than using the cheat code. Visit the "Mage's Guild" and begin the quest chain to cure your vampirism. You will be asked to complete several tasks. At the end of the chain, you will speak with the Count of Skingrad. Ask him about the reward and he will give you 1,000 gold. Continue clicking on the option to ask him about the reward, even after receiving the reward, and he will continue to give you 1,000 gold each time you ask. If you are not in a hurry to cure your vampirism, you could make some decent money.

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