Turn in "Firewing Signets," "Sunfury Signets," and "Arcane Tomes" to the "Scryer" faction representative if you have chosen to ally yourself with the "Scryers" in "Shattrath" city. These items can be found on Sunfury Elves and can typically be purchased on the Auction House. Do this until you reach "Honored" status with the "Sha'tar."
Turn in "Marks of Kil'jaeden," "Marks of Sargeras," and "Fel Araments" to the "Aldor" faction representative if you have allied with the "Aldor" faction of "Shattrath" city. You can find these items on members of the "Burning Legion," or purchase them on the Auction House. Turn in these items until you reach "Honored" status with the "Sha'tar."
Complete the dungeons "The Botanica," "The Arcatraz," and "The Mechanar." Killing monsters in these dungeons will award you reputation gains. Do this until you reach "Honored" status with the "Sha'tar."
Complete the quests line that become available with the "Sha'tar" once you reached "Honored" status. These quests will be given out by the "Sha'tar" located at the center of "Shattrath" city.
Run the heroic versions of "The Botanica," "The Arcatraz," and "The Mechanar" until you have maxed out your reputation with the "Sha'Tar." Running these dungeons in heroic mode will award increased reputation gains with the "Sha'Tar."