Popularity and Gold
In stronghold, your popularity decides the productivity of your populace. If your popularity falls too low, you could be facing a peasant revolt. Gold is needed to pay your solders and workers, arm them, build your walls and take virtually any other action. When you press the "Alt" key on your keyboard, then press "X", the game will set your popularity to 100% and award you with 1000 gold.
Mass Autokill
Combat is the central feature in "Stronghold." Everything you do is designed to raise, train and outfit an army to defeat your rivals. However, your enemies have the same goal, and unlike most AI controlled opponents, they are good at doing so. If you find your stronghold being overrun, simply press "Alt" and "Y" to automatically kill all enemy units on your screen.
Raze Enemy Stronghold
As the name implies, "Stronghold" is about establishing your own stronghold and razing your opponent's to the ground through strength of arms, and to a lesser extent, political maneuvering. There is a cheat, however, which will utterly destroy your enemy's stronghold with no effort on your part. Hold down "Alt" and "K" to accomplish this.
No Charge
Troops, weapon upgrades, resource producing buildings and every aspect of your war machine requires gold. There is nothing you can do that is free. Unless, of course, you use this cheat code: By holding down "Alt" and "F," the game will set the price for wages, items and buildings to zero, allowing you to purchase whatever you like.
Enable Cheats
These cheats do not work unless you turn them on. To do so, you will need to hold down the "Shift," "Alt" and "A" keys on your keyboard at the main menu screen.