Things You'll Need
Install "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" onto your computer, and ensure it's updated with the most recent patches.
Download and install OBSE v19 onto your computer. See Resources for a link to the download page.
Download and unzip "Supreme Magicka" onto your computer. See Resources for a link to the download page.
Copy all of the files inside of the "00 Core Files" folder, contained within "Supreme Magicka," to the "Oblivion/Data" folder. The "Oblivion/Data" folder is located in the directory to which you originally installed "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion."
Choose "Yes" when you are asked to overwrite files in the "Oblivion/Data" folder.
Choose the option files in the "01 Optional Files" folder, contained within "Supreme Magicka," that you would like to copy to the "Oblivion/Data" folder.
Copy the "menu" folder, contained within "Supreme Magicka," to the "Oblivion/Data" folder. Do this only if you want raised spell-enchanting limits enabled in the mod.
Choose the files in the "03 Compatibility" folder that you would like to copy to the "Oblivion/Data" folder.
Open the OBSE loader, and enable the "Supreme Magicka" mod in the start-up menu.
Select "Load Oblivion" in the OBSE loader, and "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" will open with the "Supreme Magicka" mod running. You must load "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" in the OBSE loader every time you want to play with the mod enabled.