Select the scenario "Shuttle-A\Olympus spaceport on Mars" from the Launchpad section of the Orbiter Main Menu. Press "F3," then select the Delta-Glider spacecraft from the list by highlighting and applying "GL-01."
Use the "PgUp" and "PgDn" keys to move the external camera in and out, and use "Ctrl + arrow keys" to rotate the camera view. Press "F1" to take the pilot seat and "F8" to view the cockpit panel.
Press "Ctrl + up arrow" to access the top panel and flip the light switch with the mouse. Press "Ctrl + down arrow" to access the main panel and switch open the retro doors with the mouse on the right hand side.
Press the "0" key on the keypad to lift off the pad. Press "A" once you clear the buildings. Velocity is visible on the left; altitude is visible on the right.
Press the "+" key on the number pad to move forward and the "-" key to move in reverse. Use "F1" to move between internal and external views.
Press "1" or "3" on the number pad to turn back toward base. Use "+" to move back and "-" to slow down once you arrive.
Press "G" to activate landing gear. Press "A" again as you prepare to land, and use "-" and the "." key to land.
Press "Ctrl + F4" to return to the main menu and select "Exit to Launchpad." Repeat this process to hone your skills.