Kill enemies on Azeroth to find thorium, strong iron, steel, reinforced steel, ornate bronze, heavy bronze, mithril, iron and elementium lockboxes. The type of lockbox that enemies drop depends on the enemy's level. For example, a level 55 or higher enemy will drop thorium lockboxes, while level 20 enemies will drop ornate bronze lockboxes. Elementium lockboxes only drop from enemies level 80 and up.
Slay enemies in the Outland for a chance to find eternium and khorium lockboxes. Eternium lockboxes drop from level 60 to 70-plus enemies, while khorium lockboxes drop off of enemies level 68 and up.
Travel to Northrend and kill enemies there to loot Froststeel lockboxes, which generally drop from enemies level 70 and up.