Make the Potion
Earn the first witch skill point. The fastest way to do this is to click on the magic book and select "Study the Ways of Light/Darkness" or "Study the Neutral Magics." When the Sim has earned the skill point, a notice will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to let you know that the Sim has learned a new spell.
Click on the Cauldron and select "Make Witchbegone-E." When the potion is finished a notice will appear at the top right corner of the screen. The potion will go directly to the Sim's inventory.
Click on the Sim and select "Drink Witchbegone-E." Watch the animation as the Sim loses all witch powers. Congratulations, your Sim is human again!
Buy the Potion
Click on the phone in the Sim's house and select "Call... Sim." Choose to call the witch that turned your Sim into a witch and invite her over to the Sim's house.
Click on the witch when she arrives and choose to greet her. Click on her again after the greeting is over and select "Buy Witchbegone-E." The potion will go directly to the Sim's inventory.
Click on the Sim and select "Drink Witchbegone-E." Animation will run that shows your Sim losing all witch powers.