How to Enter Cheats
All codes for this game are entered when the game is paused. Press "Start" on the PlayStation to do this. On the PC, press the "Esc" key.
Become Unstoppable
Type the cheat "weapons" to receive every weapon in the game when playing on the PC. If you are using a PlayStation, enter "Square, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L1" for the same result. Input "ammo" for unlimited ammunition on the PC or "L1, L1, R1, R1, Circle, Circle" on the PlayStation. Enter the cheat "painless" or "Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2" to become invincible on the PC version or PlayStation version respectively. Enter "L1, R1, R1, L1, L1, R1" to become invisible or "L1, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Down, R1" for one-shot kills. These last two codes are exclusive to PlayStation.
Alter Speed and Size
Enter the cheat "slomo" to slow down time on the PC version or "Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1" for the PlayStation version. To slow down the speed of rockets, enter "slowrocket" on the PC and "L1, R,1 R1, L1,Triangle, Square" on the PlayStation. Input "bigheads" to increase the size of your enemies' heads on PC. Enter "R1, R1, L1, L1, Triangle, Triangle" to do the same thing on PlayStation. Use the cheat code "chantastic" to boost your car's speed. This cheat is only available for PC.
Weapon Modifications
Type "targeting" to automatically aim at any nearby enemies; this cheat is exclusive to PC. Enter the cheat "autoreload" for the PC game and "Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle" for the PlayStation game, to automatically reload your weapon when required. If a laser sight on your guns is not for you, input "laser" or "L1, L1, Triangle, Triangle, L1 , L1, L1" to turn it off on PC and PlayStation respectively.
Other Cheats
The first two "Die Hard" movies took place on December 24; give the game a Christmas feel by typing "snow" in the PC version of the game. Also in the PC game, input "fragyyuck" to increase the amount of blood when you shoot or throw a grenade at enemies. Enter "L1, R1, R1, L1, L1, R1" to turn your car invisible.