"Duels of the Planeswalker"
The core game "Duels of the Planeswalker" comes with a select few decks for players to choose from. The campaign of the game pits players against monsters who each have their own deck. Depending on how the player did against the opponent, they can win their opponent's deck or cards to add to the decks they already have. The game is programmed to have a difficulty curve accepting of new players, purposely putting them up against weaker opponents first and then getting more challenging with each fight as players learn the game.
"Duel the Dragon"
"Duel the Dragon" was the first patch released for "Duels of the Planeswalker," and actually changed the name of the game to "Magic: The Gathering; Duel the Dragon." "Duel the Dragon" adds three new decks to the game, along with six new ladder levels and a few special rule challenges to keep players on their toes. Along with the new content this patch also fixed a lot of unaddressed bugs in the core game, getting rid of screen freezes, and giving the players the option to forfeit games they knew they were going to lose.
May 13, 2010 Patch
The second patch for the game changed back to the title"Magic: the Gathering: Duel of the Planeswalker," as it returned the story of the game back to the original bosses and villains. This patch adds three new cards to each of the pre-existing decks. This patch also allowed players to earn three of the decks used by the original bosses themselves. Along with these add-ons this patch added new challenge levels, achievements, and host migration for their multiplayer servers.
Novemver 3, 2010 Patch
The third patch released for "Magic: The Gathering: Duel of the Planeswalkers" added more new content to the game. For example, it gives all players the ability to earn three new cards for each deck released in all previous versions of the game. This patch also included three new decks, one of which is the deck used by one of the previous bosses. This patch also added three new achievements, five new challenge levels and a new "Two-Headed Giant" game style for multiplayer games.