Hobbies And Interests

The Sims 2 Cheats

In the game "The Sims 2," players create and control the lives of Sim characters from birth to elders. You can control their jobs, families and hobbies. To make game play easier, the creators of the Sims 2 universe added in a number of cheats for players to use. Some of the ones included are money cheats and ones to turn the automatic aging off. To type in a cheat, press "CTRL," "SHIFT" and "C" at the same time to open the cheat window.
  1. Basic Cheats

    • In "The Sims 2," you can employ several basic cheats. Typing in "help --all" in the cheat window will bring up a window that will list every available cheat code. Typing in "autopatch (on/off)" will let you know if a patch is available to add to the game. "Moveobjects (on/off)" will let you delete objects that have been frozen or you could not otherwise delete. Once you have entered the cheat, click on the object you want to delete and drag it into the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.

    Money Cheats

    • Several money cheats exist to give your Sims more available funds to live out their rich lifestyles. Type in "kaching" to add 1,000 Simoleans to your Sim's bank account. "Motherlode" will add 50,000 Simoleans to their bank account. This cheat works well when you want to build your Sims a large home and buy expensive furniture and appliances. Add a specific amount to the family's available funds by using the cheat "familyfunds (Family's last name) XXXX". This works well when you want to add more than 1,000 Simoleans but less than 50,000 and you don't want to add the same cheat in multiple times. When inputting the cheat, replace the "XXXX" with the amount of Simoleans you want to add to the family account.

    Aging Cheats

    • "The Sims 2" brought to the game the ability for your Sims to age through multiple stages. Prior to this game Sims only aged from infants to children and adults never aged. However, if you want your Sims to stay their current ages, use the aging cheat to turn that prospect off. Type "aging off" when you want to stop them from aging and then type "aging on" to start it back up again. Turning aging off works great for when you want to give your toddlers more time to learn to walk, talk and potty train.

    BoolProp Cheats

    • BoolProp is a catch-all force cheat that will get you various results when combined with other code words. When you type in "boolProp testingcheatsenabled true" all other boolProp cheats you enter will work. Replace "true" with "false" when you want to turn the cheat off. Typing in "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true" to place objects outside the grid in either buy or build mode. To turn the cheat off, replace "true" with "false." You have to be careful with using the boolProp cheat, as overuse can cause your game to lag and possibly quit.

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