Go to the "AdventureQuest Worlds" website. If you have not already purchased the Star Captain character upgrade, click on the link "What is a MechQuest Star Captain?" Click on the "Go" link to purchase the upgrade.
Go back to the "AdventureQuest Worlds" website. Scroll down the main page and click on the "Verify Star Captain" link. Enter your account information under the AQWorlds Account heading to verify.
Launch "AdventureQuest Worlds." Travel to the Greenguard Forest. Enter your travel map and click on the town of Battleon.
Click on the Guardian Tower in the back of town. Talk to the guards to get permission to enter the tower. Walk left at the main hall. Pass through the second room and walk left to gain entrance to the armory.
Talk to Korin, MechQuest Star Captain and owner of the shop. Buy the Star Lord Armor from him for 10,000 gold.