Getting to Guardian Moon
To get to Guardian Moon, you need 100 percent completion of the Rainbow Road, which is composed of gems. Each of the 21 prior levels of "Totem Tribe" has 21 gems. Place your cursor on the rainbow in the background of the planet map screen to see your completion percentage. You'll likely need to revisit previous levels to find all the gems. offers a "Totem Tribe" gem utility that analyzes your game save file and tells you how many gems of each color remain on each island. You must complete the Rainbow Road after you've gone to the comet crash site but before you go into the comet.
Energy Spheres
You explore Guardian Moon equipped only with Aruku, the tribe leader. Clouds cover the island, and you need energy spheres to clear paths. The first energy sphere is along the left side of the pool that shows the beginning of human civilization. A discharged energy sphere is to the right of the northernmost tower surrounding the Relic of Prosperity light puzzle. You'll receive a third sphere when you solve the maze. Another empty sphere is next to a bush above the pool depicting the decline of civilization. Use each energy sphere on a star-shaped pedestal to open a nearby path.
Relic of Prosperity
You'll encounter a puzzle with 16 lights arranged in four rows and four columns. Turn all the lights on to receive the Relic of Prosperity, which grants you one extra unit per building. Click on any unlit light then click every other light in the same row and column as this one, even lights that are already lit. After you've completed the set of seven lights, select another unlit light and repeat the process. After five or six rounds, you'll solve the puzzle.
Maze Puzzle
The Maze puzzle is next to the fifth pool, which shows the creation of the totems. Move Aruku to the opposite side by clicking the buttons, which move her forward, backward, left and right. Once Aruku lands on a square, an orange or green circle appears beneath it. Every third square Aruku steps on must contain an orange circle; otherwise, you'll have to start at the beginning.
Lightning Traps
You'll find the first lightning trap near the tree on the southwest side of the pool showing the golden age of civilization. Another is next to a tree to the northwest of the broken statue head on the east side of the island in the center of the map. The third is hidden in the clouds due west of the comet pool. The fourth lightning trap is southeast of the distant future pool, also hidden in the clouds. Place each trap on a location where lightning is striking the ground. All four lights near the star pedestal to the east of the Relic of Prosperity puzzle light up, and you can refill the discharged energy spheres.
Tear of Heaven
A majestic temple appears at the end of the path in Guardian Moon. Place the Tear of Heaven in the water surrounding it to purify the crystal and complete the stage.