Run to a safe spot with the flag. Once you drop the flag, anyone can pick it up. If the opposing team grabs it, the flag returns to their base. The best strategy is to run to your base or to a predetermined location where you plan to pass the flag to another team member.
Right-click the flag icon at the top right of the screen. Once you grab the flag, a buff appears next to the standard buff location, which is to the right of your minimap by default. Immediately after right-clicking the flag icon, the flag will drop to the ground.
Cast a spell or drink a potion that blocks all damage for a period of time or activates stealth mode, summon your mount or die. If you do not see the flag icon, you can drop the flag via these methods as well. Examples of spells and potions that drop the flag include the hunter's Feign Death, night elf's Shadowmeld, Potion of Petrification and the paladin's Divine Shield.