Things You'll Need
Open a 3-D graphics program such as 3ds Max, Bryce or Carrara 3D.
Create a cube. Make it as wide or as tall as you need the building to be for your scene.
Apply a glass texture with high reflection. This is your building base.
Duplicate the building base in the same position. Keep the duplicate selected.
Adjust the x, y and z axis measurements of the duplicate so it is just slightly larger than the building base. For example, if the base is 10 inches in the y dimension, make the duplicate no more than 10.1 inches.
Apply a grid texture to the duplicate. Use one with a clear grid and transparency between the grid lines. Placed over the building base's glass texture, this will give the impression of repeating window frames, like on a typical office building.
Paste in another duplicate cube. Set the horizontal dimensions slightly wider than the first duplicate, but make the vertical dimension 5 percent or less of the other duplicate's height. Lift this duplicate to the top of your building and apply a concrete or asphalt texture to create a rooftop.
Group the three cubes together and position your building where needed.