Features of Flash Games
Web Flash games usually possess two primary features: they are free to play and simple in execution. Designed by amateur game designers, most Flash games involve basic level design and objectives. Games that are more complex are usually classic video games converted to the Flash format. Flash games also generally possess simplistic graphics and audio, although this doesn't mean that they can't be aesthetically pleasing. Flash games are generally single player and do not allow you to save game.
Flash Games Genres
Find most every genre represented in Web Flash games. There are poker and gambling games, classic games such as "Pac-Man" and "Bomberman," and many types of puzzle games. Flash-based sports games are common, such as air hockey, ping-pong and football games, with a variety of shooting games. There are even Flash-based educational games that require you to use mathematics and problem solving skills
Best Flash Games
There are thousands of free Flash games on the Internet. Some of the best include "Doom, Hexen and Heretic" triple pack, these classic shooters by ID Software are now available in Flash format. "The Space Game," mine asteroids while defending against space pirates. "N" a ninja platformer with a high difficulty level. "Tetris," the classic puzzle game. "Puzzle Bobble," a puzzle game where you must destroy bubbles by matching up to three of the same color; and "Super Mario World," one of the all time best video games, now converted to Flash.
Making Money from Flash Games
While Flash games themselves are free to play, it is possible to make money from Flash games by using advertisements. If the ad bar appears on the game screen, most players become frustrated and are unlikely to follow up on the ad, so game designers generally place them above, below or on either side of the Flash game. While producing Flash games is not likely to net you the kind of money that publishers such as Activision are making from the "Call of Duty" series, the cheap production costs and lack of a middleman means that making Flash games can be profitable.