"Minecraft" is a three-dimensional, first-person creation game independently designed by Markus "Notch" Persson, and it receives updates to its content on a weekly basis. One Halloween update included the Nether, the "Minecraft" equivalent of Hell. The Nether is abundant with Netherstone, frequently referred to as Bloodstone due to its blood-like appearance. Once you obtain Netherstone from the Nether, you use it for building purposes just like with any other block.
Obtain Netherstone. To do this, you must mine it directly from the Nether. This is accessed through a 2-by-3 obsidian frame lit on fire.
Place the Netherstone into one of your equipment slots. This is the row of squares below your inventory.
Press the key bound to the equipment slot. For example, your last equipment slot is bound to the "9" key.
Right-click anywhere to place the Netherstone on the ground.