Saving a Replay Immediately After a Game
Click "Score Screen" once the game ends and the game menu appears. The summary screen appears.
Click "Save Replay" at the bottom of the screen.
Type your desired file name in the text box. Click "Save." If you wish to place the replay in a new folder rather than the default folder, click "New Folder" and enter a name for the folder. You can then access your recorded replays at any time by clicking the "Replays" button at the top of the main menu.
Saving a Recorded Replay
Log in to the game and click "Replays" at the top of the screen. Click the "Recent" tab on the left side of the screen.
Scroll through the list until you find the replay you wish to save. The details of the replay, such as the teams and players involved, appear to the right.
Click the disk icon labeled "Keep" at the bottom right of the replays box. Enter a name for the replay and click "Save."